Daily Archives: April 20, 2014

God as My Wittness- Reflection of one of the greatest movie quotes


Today is Easter the time of year of rebirth and renewal and hope. Yet today I feel a sense of loss and detachment as current life situation continues to be a battle foe to contend with. I was in process of venting to a good friend where the above quote screamed in my mind. In that moment of consious acknowelegement my drive and determination like Scarlets was relized. Sometimes we go through periods of time where we are starving. It could be spiritual starving,physical starving or emotional starving. This hunger can either lick us or propel us further on our quest for fulfillment. That choice is ours and ours alone and not determined by others. It is our personal fortitude to overcome adversity that makes us who we are not our current situation.

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Filed under Adventures in Writing

A Facebook Group born out of Purge


Ok its spring and time for new beginnings. I have started purging of unwanted/needed items as we are planning on moving within the next few months. I had a hair brained idea that maybe someone out there would be interested in what I was intending on letting go and posted on a FB page local to my area of items up for sale a feeler to see if anyone would be interested in genre specific items. Turns out I had someone interested enough I posted pictures of what I had but they declined. No big deal but it got me thinking and well a Group was born. Please pay a visit if you can and even if it is not your cuppa tea it may be a friends or coworkers or family members thing. Welcome all referrals and good karma to it.


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Filed under General Ramblings